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#5114 mala dnes nehodu
#3905: 10/3
#4801: 71/4
#5802: 31/1
#5803: 34/1
#3904: 23/2
#3905: 36/2
#4740 na linke 36 s pokazeným predným LCD displejom namiesto 36 KVP, Moskovská ukazuje RA5 KVP, Moskovská
#3904: 36/8
#3905: 19/6
10: #4709, #4732, #4736, #4737, #4752, #4757, #4778
11: #3516
12: #4758, #4760, #4764, #4766, #4771, #5739
13: #5111, #6701
14: #5713, #5754
15: #4745, #4755, #4772, #4774, #4801
16: #5105, #5106, #5111, #5714, #5742, #5750
17: #3905, #4726, #4747, #4750, #4753, #4758, #4769, #4776, #5760
18: #5734, #5739, #5743, #6904, #6909, #6915
19: #4709, #4716, #4718, #4743, #4764, #4767, #4770, #4777, #4781, #5759
20: #5107, #5114, #5115, #5742, #6912, #6914, #6916
21: #5739, #5758
23: #4705, #4718, #4723, #4729, #4737, #4745, #4747, #4755, #4758, #4768, #4772, #4801, #5110, #5724
24: #3516, #5747, #5757
25: #5104, #5726, #5729, #5734, #5735, #5736, #5743, #5746, #5758, #6911
26: #5704, #5728, #5740, #6801
26P: #4721, #5726, #5729, #5740, #5746
27: #3528, #4727, #4756, #4761, #5711, #5742, #6909, #6915
28: #5703, #5761
29: #5113, #5751, #5757
31: #5114, #5803, #6908, #6913
32: #5107, #5109, #5114, #5115, #5742, #6912, #6914, #6916
33: #5739
34: #4747, #5109, #5112, #5716, #5743
35: #5104, #5118, #5745, #5802, #6705, #6912
36: #4704, #4717, #4730, #4740, #4768, #4785, #4786, #5753
51: #5735, #5736, #6911, #6917
52: #4721, #4733, #4742, #4751, #4759, #4782, #5732, #5755
54: #4706, #4721, #4738, #4747, #4750, #5718, #5721
55: #3514, #3523, #3530, #5739, #6914
56: #3521, #3535, #4742, #5708, #5732
71: #4754, #4780, #4783, #4784, #5715, #5723
72: #4705, #4724, #4729, #4762, #4771, #4773, #5724
RA3: #4718, #4770
RA4: #4732, #4781
RA5: #3528, #4709, #4732, #4786
RA6: #3528, #4730, #4758, #4770, #5711
Reply on: romeo #62724:
Porucha napájania na Jazere, čo viem.
Na linke 9 premávajú od Pavilónu na Jazero autobusy.

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