VehiclesBusesSOR NB 12 City › #5750

Fleet number:5750
Type: SOR NB 12 City
Builder: SOR Libchavy s.r.o.
Serial number: 302
Engine number: S1061135291
Plate: 66E 39E (prevozná značka)
Manufactured: 2013
In service: 3.3.2014
Acquisition price: 182 000 €
Home line: 14,16,23,29,25,33,34,52,ZV
Ads: košice:dnes - Príliš pútavé ranné:čítanie (4.12.2015 - 9/2016)

Montana steakhouse (11/2016 - 11/2017)

MM Beauty (od 28.4.2023)
Information system: BUSE BS 120
BUSE BS 210 (140 × 19 px), BS 210 (112 × 19 px), BS 210 (28 × 19 px)
Additional information: low-floor vehicle, air-conditioned vehicle
Last records of service:
1 Jul 2024 16/1
20 Jun 2024 16/1
29 Feb 2024 23/1
28 Feb 2024 34/1
27 Feb 2024 14/2
19 Feb 2024 29/2
11 Feb 2024 32/2002
10 Feb 2024 12/4
19 Jan 2024 16/3
All records of service


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