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10: #3316
15 - 3514

A 5757 má CVR na nejaké reality (dnes L16).
27: #5118
72: #3517
Reply on: Yogi616 #62011:
To je tak, ked sa vyjazdy a dojazdy v cestovnych poriadkoch oznacuju ako linka 6 resp. 9. 😃
Reply on: Yogi616 #62011:
Robí o 17:12 z Havlíčkovej a končí o 17:31 vo Vozovni
Reply on: MhdŤahanovce #62010:
chcel si napísať službu 4619, ale tá linku 6 nerobí
2: #701
6: #701
R1: #701
R3: #701
R5: #701
R7: #701
Štvrtok 8.9.2022
2/6: #813
9: #517, #537, #802
10: #4752
18: #5759
19: #4755
20/32: #5719
23: #5757
36: #4766, #5747
Piatok 9.9.2022
2/6: #818
9: #513, #531, #817
10: #3312
12: #4745, #4763
18: #5750
19: #3303
27: #4756
36: #3310, #4703
51: #5721
52: #4777
54: #4707, #4710, #5748
55: #5734
71: #4747, #4784
Sobota 10.9.2022
2/6: #808, #834
4/7: #843
9: #824, #845
10: #4755, #4766, #4785
12: #4764
17: #4714, #4730, #4777
19: #4786
20/32: #5110
34: #6705
36: #4716, #4736, #4739, #4741, #4775
Nedeľa 11.9.2022
1/3: #802, #822, #833
2/6: #814, #817, #825, #830
9: #843
10: #4735, #4755, #4782
11: #3518
15: #4705
19: #4741, #4776, #4786
20/32: #5117, #5742
52: #5716
71: #4750, #4774
72: #4771, #4783
Reply on: 5 #62004:
Iba 3 kolá zo zálohy (4406), potom už tam bol 5707 (1403)
Reply on: 5 #62003:
aj 4748 uz je bez reklamy a oddnes uz aj 4705
4754 po dlhom čase bez reklamy.
10: #4766 #4775 #4785
11: #3518
12: #4760 #4763 #4764 #4782
16: #5114
20: #5105 #5110 #6703
22: #5107
23: #4761
24: #3518
25: #5112
27: #4761 #5109
29: #5107 #5113 #5117
31: #5111
32: #5105 #5110 #6703
34: #5115 #6705
35: #5111
36: #4766 #4775 #4785
37: #6704
52: #5106 #5108
RA2: #5114
RA6: #4782
1: #701
2: #701
6: #701
R1: #701
R7: #701

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