Reply on: Spectre #28012:
Autobus má prevodovku Allison, svetovo uznávanú, keď som sa s ním viezol a šoféroval šéfkonštruktér a spolumajiteľ SOR-u, tak žiadne problémy s neustálym preraďovnaím neboli, nie je to skor o technike jazdy?Interiér je hlúpy ale dal by sa vypilovať, napr. tie tri pozdĺžne sedačky vpravo by podľa mňa mohli byť NP. Hrb má význam z hľadiska pevnosti ale dalo by sa to dorovnať nejakým laminátom a prázdny priestor vpredu by mohol ukrývať CNG fľaše.
Some Slovak universities use ISIC cards with integrated memory chips as student IDs. If you are a student of such school, you don't have to fill in anything or buy an additional card -- you can buy discounted prepaid tickets directly on that student card. Just visit any DPB outlet. Plain ISIC cards won't do in this csae.
Off campus students and students of other than Slovak schools aren't entitled to discounts in Bratislava public transport.
(Someone please correct me if I'm wrong in anything.)