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Sobota 19.2.2022
6: #832, #838, #840
9: #807, #812, #813, #817, #819, #837
12: #4715, #4763
Nedeľa 20.2.2022
6: #823
9: #838
19: #4725
Pondelok 21.2.2022
6: #838
9: #535
10: #3313
11: #3515
25: #5108
56: #3532
72: #4711
R1: #538, #806
Utorok 22.2.2022
6: #843
9: #538
17: #4704, #4717
18: #5704
19: #4715, #4756
36: #4712
71: #4749
Streda 23.2.2022
6: #801, #822, #826, #838, #840
9: #517, #531, #535, #832
10: #4754, #5715
23: #4707
25: #6902
32: #5107
36: #4703, #4735, #4750
52: #4731, #4741
54: #3528
R3: #600 + #3326 601
Štvrtok 24.2.2022
17: #3324
71: #4729
72: #4705, #4762
Piatok 25.2.2022
6: #846
9: #530, #538
10: #4725, #4757
11: #3515
71: #4708
72: #4753
R1: #525, #807
R3: #608 + #609
10: #4745
23: #5714
25: #5734
10: #3303 #3325 #4757
11: #3515
14: #5107
16: #5108
18: #5104
23: #5115
24: #5104
25: #5113
27: #3516 #3518 #3531
29: #5105
31: #5111
32: #5106
34: #3514 #5117
35: #5111
36: #3314 #3511
54: #3315 #3514 #3532
55: #3517 #3522 #3523
56: #3528 #3530
RA3: #3313
RA4: #3319 #3324
RA5: #3303 #3310 #3319 #3326 #3518
RA6: #3313 #3328
Reply on: tbus #61421:
Aha, dobre. Nabudúce budem vedieť
Reply on: Dispatcher #61420:
Dizpatcher, asi vieš že výpravu zo štedrého dňa musáíš písať do fóra "predpovedanie výpravy". Ešte je iba február. Minule som videl kĺbový autobus, ešte jazdia?
10: #4745
34: #5115
23: #3310 #5109
36: #3531
10: #4757 #3531
11: #3515
18: #6909
25: #5107
27: #3517 #3530
36: #3310 #3319
51: #6912
52: #4759 #4766 #3531
54: #3314 #3315 #3523
55: #3518 #3528 #3532
56: #3514 #3524 #3522
RA3: #3313
RA4: #3312 #3326
RA5: #3319 #3530
RA6: #3312 #3324 #5118
RA8: #3303 #5118
L17: #4767
L34/L54: #3528
L36: #4766
L71: #4744
10: #3324 #3325
11: #5619
14: #5112
16: #5116
18: #5106
20: #5107 #5117
23: #5104
25: #5105
27: #3514 #3517 #3518
29: #5108 #5114
31: #5111
32: #5107 #5117
33: #6701
35: #5111
36: #3313 #4766
51: #6911 #6918
54: #3310 #3312 #3315
#3328 #3528
55: #3530
56: #3503 #3522 #3532
RA3: #3303
RA4: #3324 #3326
RA5: #3314 #3324 #3514
RA6: #3303 #3308
RA8: #6701
RA3: #3303
RA4: #3324 #3326
RA5: #3314 #3324 #3514
RA6: #3303 #3308
RA8: #6701
11: #5619
18: #5106
25: #5105
36: #4766
RA3: #3303
RA4: #3319
RA5: #3503
RA6: #3303 #3326 #3503 #3516
L10 - #4725
L15 - #4729
L34 - #5104 #3534
L35 - #5713
L36 - #4733 #4766
L52 - #4731
L71 - #4730 #4767
RA4: #3313
RA5: #3313 #3314 #3518
RA6: #3319 #3518
RA8: #3314

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