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Utorok 11.10.2022
2/6: #804, #832, #845
9: #529, #534, #812, #828
10: #4752
16/29: #5751
17: #3303
21: #6703
24: #3515, #5701
27: #4721
55: #5724
71: #5713, #5715
72: #4711, #4720, #4724
R1: #538
R7: #834
Streda 12.10.2022
2/6: #820
9: #525, #534, #535
10: #4702, #4725, #4752, #4758, #4776
12: #4708
15: #4737
16/29: #5109
17: #4747
27: #4727, #4756
34: #5751
36: #3328, #4777
52: #5747
54: #3315, #3522
55: #3521
71: #4773
72: #4703, #4774, #5713
R3: #622 + #623
Štvrtok 13.10.2022
1/3: #828
2/6: #836
9: #531, #537, #812
10: #4758
15: #4767
17: #4712, #4780, #5708
19: #3311, #4782
20/32: #5757, #6902
27: #4721
31/35: #5113
34: #5759
36: #4730, #5715
71: #4772
72: #4724
R3: #622 + #623
Piatok 14.10.2022
1/3: #802, #806, #828, #845
2/6: #836, #839
4/7: #815, #819, #826
9: #513, #517, #531, #829, #835
10: #4776
12: #4763, #4764
16/29: #5757
18: #5754
19: #4779
24: #5703
36: #4748
54: #4704
R2: #537
R7: #538
Sobota 15.10.2022
1/3: #808
2/6: #832, #836, #837
9: #805, #820
10: #4786
17: #4724, #4783
19: #4769
20/32: #5743
21: #5759
36: #4744, #4782
52: #5114
R1: #802
Nedeľa 16.10.2022
1/3: #804, #810
2/6: #812, #845
4/7: #842
9: #820
19: #4739, #4768
20/32: #5110
23: #4773
25: #5743
28: #6704
37: #5713
52: #5724, #5751
72: #4771
Pondelok 17.10.2022
2/6: #808, #812, #829, #830, #831, #832, #844
9: #525, #529, #531, #538, #821, #836, #837
10: #4704, #4776
12: #4760
15: #4728
16/29: #5713
17: #4743, #4773
18: #5735
19: #4717, #4738, #4739, #4769, #4786
20/32: #6705
27: #4721
23: #5750
31/35: #5707
34: #5761
36: #4782
52: #4712
54: #4745, #5724
55: #3516, #3522, #5734
71: #4762
72: #3328, #4711, #5725
R1: #537
R3: #622 + #623, #846
R4: #819
R7: #801, #805
Utorok 18.10.2022
1/3: #812
2/6: #805, #839
9: #513, #801
10: #4704, #4736, #4737, #4746
12: #4726
16/29: #4730, #5741, #5750
17: #4752, #4753
20/32: #5115, #5708
23: #4723
27: #3516, #4727, #4735, #4756
31/35: #5114
36: #4731, #4766, #4777, #4779, #4782
52: #4748
71: #4754
72: #4784, #5742
R7: #846
Streda 19.10.2022
2/6: #807, #830, #836, #838
9: #513, #525, #829
16/29: #5118 (ZV-A)
17: #4705, #4708, #4765
19: #4786
22: #6705
23: #5108
27: #3528
36: #3312
52: #4759
71: #4743, #5708
Štvrtok 20.10.2022
2/6: #801, #840, #846
9: #513, #525, #832
10: #3303, #4752, #4758
20/32: #6911
23: #5761
27: #4727
36: #4755
52: #4704, #4781
54: #3516, #3532, #4746
71: #3517
72: #4774
R1: #529, #845
Piatok 21.10.2022
2/6: #804
9: #535, #825, #826
10: #4725, #4726
12: #4761
16/29: #5751
17: #4728, #4767, #4776, #4780
19: #4723, #4741
20/32: #5107, #6705
30: #6703
34: #5757
52: #4746
54: #3316, #3528, #4704, #4712
55: #3532, #5758
71: #4707, #4754, #4773
Sobota 22.10.2022
2/6: #811, #814, #831
10: #4778
11: #3517
19: #4717, #4748
20/32: #5113, #5711
26: #5726
52: #5105, #5712, #5728
71: #4771
72: #4705, #4765
R1: #5717
R2: #4766
20: #6917
27: #5118
31: #6917
35: #6917
36 - 3514
72 - 5707, 5715, 5718
Reply on: jayimhd #62090:
1: #701
Reply on: tbus #62085:
#5721 s nejakou novou celovozovou reklamou dnes ma L51
V dňoch 20.10 - 30.10.2022 bude prebiehať pravidelná výluka na rýchlodráhe do US Steelu. Linky R1 - R4 a R7 budú nahradené autobusmi. Zastávka Kruhový objazd, Moldavská nebude obsluhovaná.
Info: FB stránka Dopravný podnik mesta Košice.
Pred cca. hodinou došlo pri zastávke Pri hati smerom k Tescu nehode #4739 a #4783 s osobným autom.
#4717 - CVR Denticon
7: #701
52: #5115

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