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Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57888:
For more information about bratislava buses http://www.imhd.sk/ba/index.php?w=3825242e29eff2212c24293a2f36ea&id=3

about bratislava trams

about bratislava trolleybuses


more information in "Vehicles" (Vozidlá) section
Reakcia na: 81-71 #57886:
Yes!! ?
I want to see this when I travel to Bratislava. ?
Reakcia na: slovanista21 #57885:
ale mi sa bavime trosku o inej stranke veci, a to predovsetkym o realnom stave aky je a neriesime preco to tak je. ?
Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57873:
Very interesting project for bus fans is inside Bratislava bus-station - Mlynské Nivy http://www.imhd.sk/ba/index.php?w=213621323033ef393621323033ef1f&id=3189

? ? ?
Reakcia na: 81-71 #57883:
Je to pravda lenze v ubohom stave by nemuseli byt keby sa o to niekto staral ...
Reakcia na: TeBeCe #57881:
Yes, I see now. I misunderstood something in another forum ?
Reakcia na: Emo #57875:
A prečo by mi nemal verit? Ved stare Ikarusy este stale zaujimaju dolezitu poziciu v bratislavskej doprave a to, ze su v ubohom stave je cista pravda.
Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57873:
Ikaruses 283 were overhauled ("GO" stands for overhaul in Slovak) in Banska Bystrica
Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57873:
the follower of Karosa B 732 was B 932 and B 932E (1996 - 2001), and the latest type is Karosa B 952E (2002+). In Bratislava we have only B 732.
Reakcia na: Emo #57878:
Of course you can. I'm from Budapest. ?
Reakcia na: Ike #57867:
No však keď vodič blbosť spraví, to je ľudský faktor.. 🙂
Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57876:
If I may ask, where are you from?
Reakcia na: Ike #57867:
V niecom mas pravdu...No myslis ze podcenenie stavu trate nieje zlyhanie ludskeho faktoru?? To si trosku odporuje... Podcenenie a "DOVOLENIE SI VIAC" stalo zivoty...
Reakcia na: Emo #57875:
The technical condition is very similar to what we have here, so I think I'm prepared! ? ?
Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57870:
Don´t believe to 81-71, we have Ikarus 280, but only 31 pieces. We have mainly Ikarus 435, 415, Karosa 741, 732, but also SOR, Tam Bus 232, 272 and Ikarus 412 (last one only 3 pieces). But technical condition isn´t very good.
Reakcia na: 81-71 #57871:
Oh don't mention it. We also have our "beautiful" old-timers ?

But I like the refurbished (GO??) 283s. And not only the Ikaruses, I also like the latter version of the Karosas (I think it's the B932 but I'm not sure).
Reakcia na: 81-71 #57871:
Heh, except our perfect air-cleaning and noise-swallowing CNG wrecks ? ?
Reakcia na: Daniel Varga #57870:
Buses??? Ups...Bratislava has very old buses in horrible technical condition, mainly IK 28x.xx ?

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