Reakcia na: Jozef #41627:
Chyba lávky, švajčiarske Lausanne metro nemá. Samozrejme, ak metrom nenazývaš päťzastávkový jednokoľajný úsek Métro-Ouchy (m2) s jednou výhybňou uprostred, ktorý je doplnený o samostatnú jednokoľajnú trať idúcou v tom istom tuneli medzi krajnými dvoma stanicami. Druhá trať je bežná rýchlodrážna električka (LRT - light rail tram), s dvoma tunelmi a úrovňovými križovaniami s preferenciou. To, že má lausannský nosný systém MHD slovko "metro" v názve, neznamená, že to metro naozaj je. Súčasné bratislavské električky by sa tiež nestali metrom, aj keby sme ich tak oficiálne nazvali a to tiež idú jedným tunelom ![😉](/data/img/emoji/1f609.png)
Dovolím si citovať stránku (kde je aj pekná mapka)
"The Olympic Capital spreads out over the hills along the lake, and trolley buses (most of them with a trailer) run up and down the serpentine roads to the old city centre near Flon. In 1877 a rack railway was built to connect the lakeside resort of Ouchy to the city centre. This is a single track line (double track at Montriond station to allow crossing of trains) with two 2-car-trains using a kind of electric locomotive. Trains provide a fast and frequent (6-10 minutes) service between Flon and Ouchy via the Swiss Federal Railways Station (Gare CFF). The line is now referred to as Métro-Ouchy or M2. Métro-Gare is a special shuttle service between Flon and Gare CFF using a separate track in the same tunnel between these two stations. Service is provided by only one single-carriage running permanently up and down. This is actually the busiest of all three lines.
The Métro-Ouest (Metro West), now M1, is a modern light rail line which connects Lausanne's city centre at Flon to Renens in the west via Chavannes and Ecublens (opened 1991). The line is mainly at grade, on separate right-of-way with preference at street crossings. It's almost entirely single track except at most stations where trains cross each other. The total length is 7.8 km with 15 stations (3 underground, average station distance is 557 m), one ride takes 19 minutes (commercial speed 26 km/h). The line is especially busy with students travelling to the EPFL and UNIL University campus."