Hello there. Unfortunately, you're addressing the wrong audience. This is a website run by public transport enthusiasts, not an official information channel of the local public transport company. You are welcome to file any complaints at vnutorna.kontrola@dpb.sk (the address of the company's internal inspection department).
That said, there certainly is some information available in English on the ticket machines. Very much like any other city in the region, Bratislava has public transport that needs to be paid for. To expect otherwise would be unreasonable, if anything.
Very unhelpful driver an stubburn and ungracious ticket inspector on the line 61.
Definetively I will NOT recommend visiting Bratislava on the basis of the helpfullness of the city bus drivers nor base on the understanding shown by the ticket inspectors. Less of all when you first action was to try to adquire a bus fare. Even when people around were explaning the situation, still his only thought was to issue a penalty. Are the ticket inspectors so badly pay? Is their salary comission based? Those are the only reasons I would give for his lack of empathy and understanding.
Viac neviem, ale musím "oceniť" v akom predstihu sa o takejto akcii opäť informuje. Ako trolejbusového fanúšika ma to mrzí, pretože rád by som sa v sobotu zúčastnil, ale kvôli iným plánom už nemôžem. Budem však zvedavý, ktorý trolejbus dostal polep.
Zo stránky DPB (https://row.sk/hz6fm):
"110. výročie trolejbusov v Bratislave oslávi DPB, a.s. podujatím na Železnej Studničke. Pristavené budú dva staršie trolejbusy, z toho jeden bude celopolepený a bude vyzerať ako historický trolejbus. Práve tento bude DPB, a.s. nasadzovať do premávky do konca tohto roka."
No ja by som radsej v zapche (L32 Kramare, Patronka) z Dlhacov siel 33+5/9+93 ako 4/6 + 1 na stanicu .
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