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Reply on: galiyosha #609:
Eh, sorry, prehliadol som zátvorku. Naozaj chce 1435 mm.
Reply on: galiyosha #609:
Však amerikánec nehovoril, že potrebujú práve 1435 mm. Ale nasrať im. Prečo by im mal niekto dávať T3 vo vynikajúcom stave? Však nech si zrekonštruujú. Hneď mu idem napísať.
Reply on: COLOR #607:
COLOR, Ty rúra, oni ich nechcú 100 ks do novozriadenej prevádzky ale ako múzejné vozidlo - reprezentanta jednoho z najrozšírenejších PCC vozňov.
This is not a joke. There are Americans who would like to have a CKD Tatra T3 represented in the USA. If one cannot be donated, what is the approximate cost to rebuild or buy a rebuilt T3? What about countries other than CZ or SK or Schwerin Germany?

Reply on: GHB #606:

City Košice are redundant (to stop working) just 20 pcs. of T3 (vintage 1982 - 85). 15 trams are for sale official. Other cities T3 generally reconstruct.
Reply on: COLOR #610:
Veru nebol, ale chyr o kvalitach ich vozoveho parku sa doniesol az ku mne. ?
Re #606 GHB: Try Ostrava. ?
Reply on: galiyosha #609:
Asi si nebol v Kesicoch 😉 Ale ten metrovy rozchode beriem...

GHB: Well I forgot that in Bratislava is 1000mm... Try Prague ?
Reply on: COLOR #607:
Bratislavske elektricky v dobrom stave? Zartujes? 🙂 Okrem toho, v Blave predsa mame metrovy rozchod...
Reply on: GHB #606:
there are many disused and redundant 1435mm T3 trams in Košice 🙂
Reply on: GHB #606:
Bratislava has one of the newest and technically-best T3's in the world, I think. Isn't it some kind of joke? T3 in USA ? ?
Some people in the USA would like to get a T3 (1435mm) because it is a very significant PCC railcar. None have ever been brought to the USA.

Which city would be the best opportunity to get a T3xxx which is in excellent condition? Are there any possibilities of a city donating one to the USA?

hehe, radsej by sa vozili v starych poschodovych autobusoch ako v novych nizkopodlaznych klbakoch...to by sa na Slovensku stat asi nemohlo 🙂

...The 73, the busiest route in London, has now succumbed to cattle-truck artics and another irretrievable piece of London's heritage is lost. Nobody wanted bendy buses, neither enthusiasts nor regular passengers, but TfL never gave a damn what we wanted....

Re TeBeCe: Ejha 🙂 Ponizene konstatujem ze som tie Pendolina este v zivote nevidel ?
Reply on: COLOR #598:
Pendolino je označenie pre vlak s naklápajúcimi sa skriňami, aby na oblúkoch s menším polomerom mohol dosahovať vysoké rýchlosti bez toho, aby oblúky cestujúci nejak moc cítili.

Tie 840 sú predsa motoráčiky určené na lokálne trate, tak načo by sa naklápali? 🙂
Reply on: TeBeCe #600:
Whoops... Vdaka ze ma na to nikto neupozornil, najma ked som tym v juli isiel s DuPem a Mikeom 😉 Alebo tam bol aj Max? Kuafix 🙂
Reply on: COLOR #598:
Potkan 🙂
Reply on: COLOR #598:
to je ale uuuplne nieco ine, preboha 🙂
Reply on: TeBeCe #597:
w8... ake formalne oznacenie ma potom rada 840???
Reply on: COLOR #596:
my mame pendolina?

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