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Reply on: DarkoTuris #62645:
Jj pretože v CP už nie je ani 22
Ja si podľa trasy myslím, že DPMK chce ušetriť na vodičoch a autobusoch, preto spojí linku 22 a linku 30 do linky 13
Reply on: 2TheMHDmarek3 #62642:
A asi 30 bude zrušená.
10: #3904
16: #5111
17: #6905
18: #6906
19: #3904
25: #5105, #6906, #6910
27: #3519, #6905, #6906
51: #6911
55: #3308, #3521
56: #3514
RA5: #3904
Reply on: MhdŤahanovce #62641:
A podľa všetkého po starej trase (Baňa Bankov - Amfiteáter - TU - Zimná - Námestie Maratónu mieru - Železničná nemocnica - Alvinczyho - Pri hati).
#3316 na 72/5
Reply on: MhdŤahanovce #62635:
A 3514 na 2701
#3316 na 36/4
Reply on: MhdŤahanovce #62633:
7204: 4711 -> 3535
7203: 3320 -> 3316
#3535 na 72/4
10: #4757, #4758, #4765, #4776
11: #3515
14: #5105, #5110
16: #5107, #5109, #5111
18: #6905, #6908
23: #4757
24: #3515
25: #6905, #6912
27: #3530, #6905, #6908
28: #5116
30: #6911
33: #6904
34: #3523, #5104
35: #5105
36: #4766, #4779, #4781
51: #6904, #6906, #6912
54: #3523, #3904
55: #3528, #3531
56: #3514, #3521
71: #4767, #4773, #4774, #4782
72: #3316, #3320, #4783
10 - 4709
15 - 4715
17 - 4712
71 - 4710
5: #537
10: #4770, #4779, #4781, #4782, #4786
11: #3515
12: #4777, #5115
15: #4765
16: #5107, #5108, #5112
17: #4758, #4772
19: #4766, #4768, #4769
20: #5104, #5110, #5114
22: #6705
23: #4758, #4765, #4784
24: #3515, #5107
25: #5111
28: #5113
29: #5105, #5109
32: #5104, #5110, #5114
34: #5116, #6701
36: #4770, #4779, #4781, #4782, #4786
52: #4759, #4763, #4764
71: #4774
72: #4771, #4780, #4784
R1: #537
RA2: #5108
RA6: #4777
ZV-A: #5118

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