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10: #3315  #4758  #4776
11: #3515
12: #4761  #4763  #4764
15: #3320
16: #5105  #5108  #5114  #5116
17: #4783
18: #5104
19: #4777
20: #5112
21: #6908
22: #6902
23: #3320  #3324  #5115
24: #3515  #5104
25: #5113  #6905  #6908
26: #6804
27: #3516  #3517  #3518   #3531  #6908
28: #6917
29: #5105  #5108  #5114  #5116
31: #5111
32: #5112
33: #6705
34: #3514  #5106  #5117
35: #5111
36: #4766  #4769  #4778
51: #6905
52: #4759  #3524
54: #3514  #3326
55: #3511  #3521  #3522  #3523  #3532
56: #3524  #3528  #3530
71: #3324  #4762
RA4: #4777
RA5: #3315  #3518
RA6: #4768
RA7: #6910
RA8: #6908
Nedeľa 24.4.2022
2/6: #837, #843
9: #836
10: #4755, #4777
15: #4753
25: #5733
26: #5726
52: #5104, #5112, #5710
72: #4771, #4783
R1: #826, #827
Pondelok 25.4.2022
1: #816, #826, #835
2/6: #5756 (NAD za linku 6)
9: #523, #529, #531
10: #3326, #4725, #4727, #4758, #4776
15: #4772
17: #4721
25: #5107
27: #3511 
36: #4759 
54: #3503
56: #3519
R1: #513, #846, #5735 (NAD)
R2: #528
R3: #608 + #609
25: #6908
36: #3531
RA6: #3511
Reply on: PeterMHDFotos #61628:
Vyzerá to na čelnú zrážku, vodič Felície zomrel
Reply on: PeterMHDFotos #61628:
Okolo 15:30 videná na kruháči smer Spoločenský pavilón - vozovňa 😉
#802 okolo 14:00 nehoda pri Steel Aréne s Feliciou.
#4717 a #4718 po víkende už bez celovozildlových reklám
Sobota 23.4.2022
2/6: #817, #841, #846
9: #512, #528, #531
12: #4782
10: #4781 
17: #4777
20: #5105
R3: #834
10: #4766  #4769  #4775  #4777
11: #5619
12: #4761  #4763  #4764
16: #5116
19: #4781
20: #5107  #5117  #6705
21: #5109
22: #5113 #5116
23: #5109
24: #5619
25: #5105
26: #4759  #6804
27: #4760  #5106  #5115
28: #6703
29: #5108  #5113  #5114
31: #5111
32: #5107  #5117  #6705
33: #5109
35: #5111
36: #4766  #4769  #4775  #4777
52: #5104  #5112
71: #4765  #4773  #4779
72: #4780  #4783
RA6: #4779  #5116
10: #4775
36: #4775
10: #4766 #4781
11: #3518  #5619
12: #4760  #4764
15: #4783
16: #5114
17: #4777
19: #4778
20: #5105
21: #5104
22: #5107
23: #5104
24: #3518
25: #5112
26: #6801
27: #4761  #5109
29: #5107  #5116  #5117
31: #5111
32: #5105
33: #5104
34: #5115  #6705
35: #5111
36: #4766  #4781
52: #5106  #5108
71: #4767
72: #4765  #4777  #4779
Piatok 22.4.2022
2/6: #521, #815, #824, #839
9: #508, #535, #537, #624 + #625
10: #4758
17: #4736
19: #4715, #4717, #4741, #4778
34: #5109, #5761
35: #5111 
54: #3312
55: #3514, #3518, #3530
71: #4722, #4783
72: #3503, #4762
R3: #608 + #609
Reply on: jayimhd #61619:
Dnes aj #100.
#529 Autoskola
36: #3516
RA6: #3517
25: #6908
10: #4757  #4758  #4776
11: #5619
12: #4761  #4763  #4764
14: #5117
15: #4773
16: #5113  #5114
17: #4765  #4779
18: #6901  #6904   #6915
19: #4778
20: #5112
21: #6908
22: #6705
23: #5106
24: #5619
25: #5108
26: #6804
27: #3511  #3516  #3517  #3528  #3531  #6908
29: #5105  #5113  #5114  #5118
31: #5111
32: #5112
34: #5109
35: #5111
36: #4766  #4779
51: #6918
52: #3534
54: #3308  #3315  #3326
55: #3514  #3518  #3523  #3530
56: #3521  #3524  #3532
RA3: #3303
RA5: #3324  #3528
RA6: #3303
RA7: #3324  #6910
RA8: #6908
27: #6908
36: #3511
52: #3320 #3534
54: #3310 #3326
RA6: #3531

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