Ticket Price List (from 1 Nov 2015)

Starting from the 1st November 2015 the new tickets for Integrated transport system will replace previous tickets for city transport in Bratislava. These new tickets will be valid not only for city transport in Bratislava, but also for regional trains of Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSK) and for regional buses of Slovak Lines operator.

All tickets are through-tickets and are also valid for night trasport.

Reduced fare is for:

  • children up to 15 years (inclusive)
  • students up to 25 years (inclusive)
  • seniors above 62 years
  • handicapped people (ŤZP and ŤZP-S cards)

Tickets for single journey

Zones of Integrated transport system in Bratislava region

The validity of tickets for single journey is limited by time and by number of travelled zones. You have to mark your ticket in the ticket validator inside the vehicle. The passenger can change without limit within the ticket validity and can combine the transport means of all operators of Integrated transport in Bratislava region without restraint. The number of zones for the ticket is valid can not be exceeded.

Important note: Zone 100 counts for 2 zones, with exception of journeys within the Bratislava city (i.e. without travelling to or from regional zones) where the 2-zones ticket can be used for travelling from zone 100 to zone 101 an vice versa. Basically, for journeys within Bratislava city only time validity of single journey ticket is taken into account. Zone validity of single journey ticket is significant for travelling to and from regional zones. 

Validity Basic Reduced
2 zones / 15 minutes 0,70 € 0,35 €
2 zones / 30 minutes 0,90 € 0,45 €
3 zones / 60 minutes 1,20 € 0,60 €
4 zones / 60 minutes 1,50 € 0,75 €
5 zones / 90 minutes 1,80 € 0,90 €
6 zones / 90 minutes 2,10 € 1,05 €
7 zones / 120 minutes 2,30 € 1,15 €
8 zones / 120 minutes 2,50 € 1,25 €
9 zones / 150 minutes 2,80 € 1,40 €
10 zones / 150 minutes 3,10 € 1,55 €

180 minutes (unlimited zones)

3,60 € 1,80 €

Note: Discount around of 10 % is applied in the case of electronic wallet payment.

Day tickets

Day tickets are suitable mainly for tourists. The passenger with Day ticket can change without limit within the ticket validity and can also combine the transport means of all operators of Integrated transport in Bratislava region without restraint. You have to mark your ticket in the ticket validator inside the vehicle

Validity Basic Reduced
24 hours / 100+101
3,50 € 1,75 €
24 hours / all zones 6,90 € 3,45 €
72 hours / 100+101
8,00 € 4,00 €
168 hours / 100+101
 11,40 € 5,70 €

Note: Discount around of 10 % for 24-hours ticket is applied in Slovak Lines regional buses in the case of electronic wallet payment (tickets with longer validity can not be purchased in regional buses).

Prepaid tickets

With prepaid ticket you can travel without limit in all zones of Integrated transport system in Bratislava region for which the prepaid ticket is valid. Therefore you can also use regional buses (Slovak Lines operator) or trains (Os and REX category) in particular zones. Within Bratislava city you need basic prepaid ticket for 100+101 zones. You will need personal contactless chip card issued by transport operator (or other accepted card) in order to buy prepaid ticket.

Zones 7 days 30 days
90 days
365 days
7 days
30 days
90 days
365 days
100+101 (Bratislava city) 10,40 € 26,90 € 72,30 € 264,20 € 5,20 € 13,45 € 36,15 € 132,10 €
100+101 + 1 regional 13,80 € 35,80 € 96,40 € 352,30 € 6,90 € 17,90 € 48,20 € 176,15 €
100+101 + 2 regional
17,20 € 44,80 € 120,40 € 440,40 € 8,60 € 22,40 € 60,20 € 220,20 €
100+101 + 3 regional
20,70 € 53,70 € 144,50 € 528,40 € 10,35 € 26,85 € 72,25 € 264,20 €
100+101 + 4 regional
22,90 € 59,50 € 160,20 € 585,70 € 11,45 € 29,75 € 80,10 € 292,85 €
100+101 + 5 regional
24,80 € 64,40 € 173,40 € 634,10 € 12,40 € 32,20 € 86,70 € 317,05 €
100+101 + 6 regional
27,90 € 72,50 € 195,10 € 713,40 € 13,95 € 36,25 € 97,55 € 356,70 €
100+101 + 7 regional 31,00 € 80,50 € 216,80 € 792,60 € 15,50 € 40,25 € 108,40 € 396,30 €
all zones 36,00 € 93,50 € 251,70 € 920,30 € 18,00 € 46,75 € 125,85 € 460,15 €
1 regional 5,20 € 13,50 € 36,20 € 132,10 € 2,60 € 6,75 € 18,10 € 66,05 €
2 regional 8,60 € 22,40 € 60,20 € 220,20 € 4,30 € 11,20 € 30,10 € 110,10 €
3 regional 10,40 € 26,90 € 72,30 € 264,20 € 5,20 € 13,45 € 36,15 € 132,10 €
4 regional 13,80 € 35,80 € 96,40 € 352,30 € 6,90 € 17,90 € 48,20 € 176,15 €
5 regional 17,20 € 44,80 € 120,40 € 440,40 € 8,60 € 22,40 € 60,20 € 220,20 €
6 regional 20,70 € 53,70 € 144,50 € 528,40 € 10,35 € 26,85 € 72,25 € 264,20 €
7 regional 22,90 € 59,50 € 160,20 € 585,70 € 11,45 € 29,75 € 80,10 € 292,85 €
8 regional 24,80 € 64,40 € 173,40 € 634,10 € 12,40 € 32,20 € 86,70 € 317,05 €
9 regional 27,90 € 72,50 € 195,10 € 713,40 € 13,95 € 36,25 € 97,55 € 356,70 €
10 regional 31,00 € 80,50 € 216,80 € 792,60 € 15,50 € 40,25 € 108,40 € 396,30 €

Notes: For "101+regional zones" combinations the price list for regional zones is applied. Zone 101 can not be purchased separately. Zone 100 can be purchased only with zone 101.


For transport of large baggage, bike or animal the reduced 15-minutes ticket (0,35 €) is needed. In this case it is valid for 3 hours in all zones. This applies only for city transport and for regional buses. For regional trains the railway fare conditions are applied.



The Carnet is ticket for multiple journeys with flexible use. It can be used as almost all ticket for single journey - from 30-minutes / 2 zones ticket to 180-minutes / all zones ticket. It is suitable for occasional travellers. Travelling with Carnet is slightly cheaper than travelling with separate single journey tickets (you can see the savings in the table below).

The Carnet contains 24 fields. The required number of fields for journey can be determined from table on the Carnet or from the table below. Zone 100 counts for 2 zones, with exception of journeys within the Bratislava city (i.e. without travelling to or from regional zones) where the carnet validated for 2 zones can be used for travelling from zone 100 to zone 101 an vice versa.

Carnet prices:

  • 6,60 € / Basic-fare Carnet
  • 3,30 € / Reduced-fare Carnet

You have to use appropriate fields on the Carnet for particular journeys according to following table (where you can also see the price of single journey):

Validity Used fields Basic Carnet Reduced Carnet Savings
2 zones / 30 minutes 3 0,83 € 0,41 € 7,77 %
3 zones / 60 minutes 4 1,10 € 0,55 € 8,33 %
4 zones / 60 minutes 5 1,38 € 0,69 € 8.00 %
5 zones / 90 minutes 6 1,65 € 0,83 € 8,33 %
6 zones / 90 minutes 7 1,93 € 0,96 € 8,10 %
7 zones / 120 minutes 8 2,20 € 1,10 € 4,35 %
8 zones / 120 minutes 9 2,48 € 1,24 € 0,80 %
9 zones / 150 minutes 10 2,75 € 1,38 € 1.79 %
10 zones / 150 minutes 11 3,03 € 1,51 € 2,25 %
all zones / 180 minutes 12 3,30 € 1,65 € 8,33 %


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Hi, i want to ask. If I buy the 24 hours ticket. I know I need to validate my ticket at the marking machine. But, if I get off the bus/tram and get on another bus/tram. Should I mark my ticket again?
Reply on: lewis8992 #1:
No, you mark it only once.
1. If I start use day ticket 24 hours at 14:00 h. today. The ticket will be valid til tomorrow 14:00 h. ?
2. After first mark the ticket, do I still need to mark again when go to next bus/tram?
3. Is there boat/ferry included on day ticket?
Reply on: Warawut #3:
1. That is correct.
2. No, the ticket only has to be marked once.
Reply on: Warawut #3:
3. No, there are only sightseeing or international boat services.
A. Which type of ticket should I buy if I want to travel from the Main Train-station to the Airport? Would this ticket work: 2 zones / 15 minutes 0,70 EUR ?
B. OBB are having the Bratislava ticket with public-transportation in Bratislava included on the day of arrival. Does this ticket also include the trip to the Airport?
Thank you in advance!
Reply on: stianlex #6:
A: No, journey from the airport to central station takes about 20 minutes. You need at least ticket for 30 minutes (90 cents).
B: Yes. Standard fare applies on buses to the airport (61, 96, N61) so any ticket for public transportation in Bratislava is accepted there as well.

Have a nice journey! 🙂


Can I buy @ use reduced ticket if I am student another country (not Slovakia)?
Reply on: rsm63@yandex.ru #8:
Student discounts are offered for EU citizens.
If I have bought a long-term ticket (90 daya), I have to validate it when I take a bus or a tram?
Reply on: Sonix #10:
No. Ticket for 90 days is electronic and is valid on dates that you've chosen when purchasing the ticket. Simply show your card to ticket inspector when requested.
Is the ISIC valid for reduced ticket? Or it is valid also only for EU citizens, who stydies in Europe?
Reply on: Valec #9:
And for Russians studying in EU only if they sign a declaration, that they disagree with the annexation of Crimea by Russia.
Reply on: Ihor1112 #12:
Student discount is offered to students of Slovak schools and universities (irresepective of nationality) and to EU citizens (irrespective of where they study).
Why is there not mentioned a Bratislava City Card? I think it would be interesting for some tourists... ?
Hello. I will start to work for one company in Patronka and I live in Sered. So which type of ticket is cost-effective for me? Thanks
Reply on: ofarar #16:
There is no ticket including public transportation in Bratislava and regional / longdistance services to Sered.

Best thing you can do is to buy travelcard for Bratislava and keep purchasing single tickets to/from Sered every time. I assume you commute by bus, not train.


Dobry den,
povedzte mi prosim, ci mozem kombinovat PCL a listok v Slovak regio bus? Napriklad, mam PCL pre zonu 100+101, a potrebujem ist so Samorinu. Ci mozem kupit len listok 2 zones / 30 minutes v danom pripade pre 715 a 727? Ci mozem kupit taky listok z electronic wallet vo vsetkych autobusoch regio?
Reply on: kateryna.skoryk #18:
Áno, po nahlásení cieľovej zastávky pri nástupe a priložení karty k čítačke si systém sám zistí, koľko zón z cesty máte predplatených, a zaplatiť Vám dá len zvyšok, v tomto prípade teda 2 zóny / 30 minút. Spôsob platby je na Vás (za predpokladu, že máte v elektronickej peňaženke nahraný kredit).

Inak pre budúcnosť odporúčam prezerať radšej slovenskú verziu stránok ? Človek tam nájde napr. toto: https://imhd.sk/ba/doc/sk/14844/Predaj-a-pouzitie-cestovnych-listkov-IDS-BK#kombiids


Reply on: Rubber38 #19:
Ďakujem veľmi pekne za odpoveď! ?
Reply on: Rubber38 #19:
A ako v pripade, ked idem vlakom a mam pcl? Oznacovace su aj vo vlakoch, ci len na peronoch?
Reply on: kecho #21:
Kombinovanie CL uvedenym sposobom je mozne len v Slovak Lines. V DPB a ZSSK nie, pricom sa zda ze vsetky zucastnene subjekty to maju na haku.
Hi there!
Is there need the ticket for 6 years child?
Reply on: rodriguez #23:
Yes, the one with reduced fare.
About the Carnet: Do I understand correctly that the minimum fare is using 3 fields for a 30 mins trip? It is not possible to have a 15 mins trip with 2 fields?
Reply on: jorges #25:
Yes (because it would be too cheap I guess) ?
"Large baggage" requires an extra ticket, but what counts as "large"?
If something counts as hand luggage on a flight, is that big enough to need an extra ticket?
Reply on: MrBean #27:
Ticket must be purchased for baggage exceeding 60 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm. Smaller baggage is transported for free.
Reply on: MrBean #27:
Your one eyed teddy will be okay.?
Can one Carnet be used by two or more travelers if the appropriate fields are used?
Reply on: Daniela_K #30:
Yes. That´s one of the aims for carnet usage.
Reply on: Daniela_K #30:
Yes, but you have to mark it separately for each passenger. For example, for 2 zones and 30 minutes (3 fields) and two persons you have to mark 3rd and 6th field, not just 6th.
Do you respect student cards of other countries as a confirmation of being a student? Or do I need to have f.e ISIC or EURO26?
Reply on: axygalaxy #33:
From other countries just ISIC.


I am a tourist with ISIC card. Is there a place at the airport where I can buy 168 hours day card with a reduced price?
Reply on: watashiwakira #35:
Yes, there should be a multi-functional ticket machine in the airport arrival hall. It is multilingual and provide you with a variety of tickets including the reduced ones. Look for a conspicuous red box similar to this one: https://imhd.sk/ba/media/gn/00095347/Multifunkcny-samoobsluzny-automat.jpg?1514353154
A new Italian worker coming to Bratislava would like some help ^^

If working on West End gate, which monthly pass should I buy?

Suggestions welcome
Reply on: a.noctis #37:
Well it depends on the location of your stay. In order to help you, you have to provide us with both an origin and a destination. You have told us only the destination of your daily commuting trip.

Generally, if you travel around Bratislava only, the one for 26,90 (100+101 Basic 30 days) might suit your needs.
I'm 62, but neither a Sloval citizen nor with a postal adress in Bratislava area.

Will I qualify for a reduced ticket price, and, di I need, as in Prague, a certain photodocument saying I can buy reduced priced tickets ?
Reply on: petterfure #39:
Yes, you do qualify for the reduced fare.

For "paper" tickets (single journey, day, etc.), you need to prove your age with a government issued ID - generally a national ID card or a passport. (A driving license is NOT an identity document according to the Slovak legislation. It's possible it'd do in the event of a ticket inspection, but, technically, the conditions of carriage state you need an "identity document".)

For prepaid tickets and e-tickets, you need to get a personalised chip card issued. For that you again need to provide an identity document. Afterwards, you can use this card to prove your entitlement to the reduced fare even for "paper" tickets, if desired.