Najlepšie je, keď na tie vysoké električkové označníky nalepia cestovné poriadky úplne najvyššie a cestujúci, kt. majú pod 185 cm, nemajú šancu... napr. Riazanská, Park kultúry. ?
K hypermodernej trati v Dubravke zabudli asi pribalit kluce od vitrin v pristreskoch a tak sa CP lepia na oznacniky ako za Marie Terezie. Co ale nevadi, len to vhodne dotvara atmosferu minuleho storocia ?
I've just realized there is no contact information for foreign passengers on official dpb site. If you have been imposed a fine that was not justified, please write an official letter (or e-mail) in form of a claim to following address:
According to the Slovak version of the site, this is the department responsible for claim processing.
The are several e-mail addresses for each department. I would prefer addressing my notes directly to respective and liable one. We can help you to chose the right one if you tell us what issue bothers you.
This address is not working Is there a another Mail Address?
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