The city centre is nice, but rather small and really not unique -- just another small town in Central Europe, you've probably seen tens of towns alike. And it only takes about an hour to see it all.
Anyway, Incheba is directly on the right bank of Danube, so it only takes a short walk to get across the river (Novy most is next to Incheba) to the city centre. Or one stop by bus.
I can only agree with Martin Fundarek, that you should definitely visit the restaurant in top of Kamzik Tower (see As he already said, take the trolleybus line 203 from centre to its terminal in Koliba. From there, it is around 15 minutes on foot, signs will guide you. If you want, you don't have to return back the same way -- you can continue (~ 30 or 40 minutes) down to valley of Vydrica stream. From there by bus line 43 to Patronka (but check the schedule first -- line 43 has an interval of 40 minutes) and from there by one of the lines to the centre (30 or 37 to Novy most, 34 or 83 to Hodzovo namestie, etc).
Next really interesting monument in Bratislava is Novy most (New Bridge) itself -- unfortunately, the restaurant in the "UFO" at the top of it is currently being restored.
If you would prefer some nice trip to surroundings, you can visit Danubiana art gallery located at the dam in Cunovo (see -- take bus line 91 from Novy most to Cunovo. From there, it is maybe 30 or 40 minutes of walk to the dam. The location of the gallery is quite unique.
Another nice trip is to go to Devin village (bus line 29 from Novy most) with castle ruins above the mouth of river Morava to river Danube. From there, you can take a wonderful walk (~ 1 - 1,5 hours) -- first by blue and then by green "educational" footpath -- to Sandberg, near Devinska Nova Ves, with breathtaking outlooks on meanders of river Morava, the ruins of Castle Devin and Austria countryside -- especially nice during sunset . From Devinska Nova Ves bus line 21 takes you back to the city centre.
I would definitely prefer the Kamzik Tower, Danubiana Gallery and -- possibly -- the Sandberg trip to the kitsch of the city centre.
No neviem, ci je niekto zvedavy na Petrzalku. Ak ma rad industrialne prostredie, tak mozno ano -- potom mu treba odporucit aj moju oblubenu prechadzku po Pristavnom moste s vyhladom na Slovnaft.
Oooo...I forget...Bratislava have besides on the Danube nice lakes too-are here ducks and swans (pardon-my English is not very good ), in canal "Chorvatske rameno" are water flovers (Lothos etc.) and all is very beautifull :o)
You can buy daily tickets in coin machines or in special shops of DPB (two of these shops are situated at "Hodžovo nám." (in underpass) and at "Nový most" stop.
Trip tip: Go by 90 to "Nový most", visit the St.Martin's Cathedral (just by the stop), then go to see the castle, from the castle take trolleybus 203 to Koliba, and have a dinner in rotating restaurant at TV tower at Kamzík (about 15 minutes by feet). If you tell us what are you interesting in, we can advise you better.
Hi! You can use bus no. 81, 90 or 180 from stop "Einsteinova" to get to the city center (get off at stop "Hodžovo nám." or "Nový most") and of course tickets are available in kiosks or coin-ticket-machines. We have nice old town and interesting view from the Bratislava castle.
I'm coming to Bratislava next friday on Eurodogshow, which will be held at INCHEBA exhibition grounds. I'd like to know if there is a public transport to the centre of the city and if I can buy daily ticket there.
What is worth seeing in Bratislava, if I have one day?
Turbo: Ja teraz neviem, o co ide, ale dufam, ze je to nejake docasne rozhorcenie, a ze neskor, ked sa ti zlepsi nalada, tak nas nebudes posielat do tych zenskych organov...
Re #20545
A co sa tyka Prahy, kedze neviem o co ide, a co ti tej Prahe brani, tak ti asi nepomozem, a mam pocit, ze ani nikto z iMHD...
Re #20551
Co sa boli zbit nejaky mafiani na prikaz DP, alebo co, ze mas take myslienky?
Re #20553
Ja som sa dopocul od informovanych ludi, ze chujoviny sem pisu vsetci, ale to je jedno...
Hm, asi jsem málo zdůraznil ironii. Nejsem na tebe naštvanej. Nemám důvod. Kvůli pár vulgarismům se nevtekám ani omylem. Jenom jsem se smál. Bylo to prostý rytí. A co se týká kroužků a klubů opisovačů evidentních čísel, s těmi fakt nemám společného víc, než že znám pár lidí, kteří jsou jejich členy a při tom jsou natolik na úrovni, že dokážou pochopit, že doprava nejsou jenom údaje o tom, že vůz čísla toho a toho včera řídil řidič XY. usíš se ale vyrovnat s tím, že lidé mají své limity a nechtít ponich víc, než dokážou. To se týká klubistů.
Vedení DPB, to je jiná káva. Já říkám zavříet je až na výjimky nadosmrti do kriminálu nebo rovnou postřílet. Ale s klidem a rozvahou. Enenrgii, kterou věnuješ vztekání se, je lepší zaměřit na vymýšlení způsobů, jak tyto lidi promyšleně dokopat k tomu, aby svou neschopnost veřejně prezentovali a tím se zrušili sami.
Caute,chcel by som sa spytat ako to je s tymi novymi cipovymi kartami.Ked mam kontaktnu cip.kartu mozem si kupit este dnes mesacny listok?Bolo mi povedane,ze si uz musim kupit novu cip.kartu.Ale tu je pisane,ze stara plati az do 30.11.2003.
Čo sa to tu deje, len teraz som sa vrátila z jazdy. Prečo je Turbo taký nešťastný ???
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