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A este jedna foto, aj s rebrikom 😉
Pod Mostom SNP prebiehaju stavebne prace. Okolo 9:00 DPB zabezpecoval presunutie nastupist, vid foto:
Reply on: 3pa3ck3 #229854:
myslim ze to bude oznacenie miesta kde je v kolajisku indukcna slucka pre ovladanie dopytu na krizovatku (aspon na tej fotke to tak vyzera)
Reply on: Kotlár #229855:
Skoda, ze to neurobili obojsmerne pre aspon MHD. Kludne sa mohla potiahnut L35 od Dubravskej cesty az po Patronku. Takto by musela ist po Lamacskej a Polianky by mali iba jednosmernu obsluhu.
Novozrekonštruovaná Dúbravska cesta zjednosmernene opäť prejazdná od Lignoprojektu (SAV) smerom na Polianky (akurát škoda nevydláždenia parkovacích státií a chodníka a opäť raz umiestnených značiek do stredu medzi cyklocestu a chodník), možno by nebolo zlé, keby sa 36-tka potiahla cez túto lokalitu
Môžem sa opýtať, čo znamená táto návesť? (Je to fotené na zastávke Saleziáni)
Reply on: gejza #229852:
Ukážkové slippery slope fallacy. Klobúk dole.🤔
Reply on: mattpeski #229845:
When you see the bus behind you I recommend to rid in the middle of road lane to make sure that bus driver have to change lanes.
Be careful, _some_ bus drivers in Bratislava are dumb and dangerous.
Reply on: Ike #229847:
Mna Renault donutil to updatnut uz vyse mesiaca dozadu, tak snad DPB nie je pozadu :)))
Reply on: Vercotte #229848:
Bol to normálny dojazd alebovvýjazd z vozovne...
Bežný jav skoro na všetkých linkách..
Autobus č. 20 som dnes stretol na Trnavskom mýte, kde bol zobrazený aj na svetelnej tabuli, avšak nemal tam vyvesený cestovný poriadok. Aj podľa vašich údajov má trasu z VW k TESCO Lamač. To takto obchádza Mlynské Nivy?
Pomaly sa nám blíži druhé Y2K 🙂


Dúfam, že nezablúdia električky 😁
Reply on: mattpeski #229845:
Hi Matt,

to begin with, I am sorry for what has happened to you. Buses are considerably heavier vehicles than bicycles and thus in case of possible collision, the cyclist is the one at a disadvantage. Needless to say that it is not pleasant at all.

Unfortunately, this site is just a fun site only. Some of us indeed work in the transport field and some even in the company that operates public passenger transport in Bratislava. We often pass this information to drivers or at least to their supervisors, but even professional drivers are just drivers. If you insist on your complaint, please compose an e-mail with respective attachments (the photos you have sent here) and send it here: vnutorna.kontrola@dpb.sk. Do not forget to include all the details regarding the driver and their vehicle.

I doubt it is plausible to completely prevent all drivers from doing this. When I bike through the bus stop, I always check on the situation behind me, especially whether there is no PPT vehicle approaching. If yes I either speed up to leave the stop for the vehicle or slow down, even stop to let the vehicle serve the stop seamlessly. After all, cycling is an individual transport mode as well.

Best wishes.
Hi MHD Team

I would like to complain about your drivers behavior, specially in respect to cyclist.

Can you please teach your drivers how to respect cyclist and how to pass the cyclist in save distance !!!

The driver on the picture (BL 147JX) No. 70 (2226) on Wed 03 April 2019 7:40 passed me with high speed just after Slovnaftska/Kazanska junction with the distance of less than 20cm!!! just to stop 100m away on the Slovnaftská bus stop!!! I almost was pushed away by the bus which could end up with catastrophic fail.

Can you please take my complain into serious consideration, as this is very serious issue and could end up with fatal injure, specially when cycling season is starting.

Can you please teach your drivers how to respect cyclist and how to pass the cyclist in save distance !!!

Reply on: TeBeCe #229843:
Konečne poriadny predseda predstavenstva, ktorému gratulujem. Akurát mám pochybnosti v dozornej rade o p. Zaťovičovej, ktorá už má čo to na rováši z MiÚ Dúbravka, kde jej manžel starostuje..
Môže ma polícia zadržať, ak nemám lístok? (deväť odpovedí)

Čítajte viac: https://ekonomika.sme.sk/c/22085516/otazky-a-odpovede-mhd-nasledky-cestovania-bez-listka.html#ixzz5k0pP74lg

Článok je bohužiaľ spoplatnený, ale aj diskusia je zaujímavá.
Reply on: Valec #229840:
Tak potom kšeftík pre Telmax.

Dík za info.
Reply on: 810zssk #229834:
Majú byť len pri jedných dverách.

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