Tickets for city transport in Poprad (from 1 Jan 2023)

Short-term single-trip tickets

Time validity Full fare Reduced fare
30 minutes - by electronic wallet 1,00 € 0,60 €
60 minutes - by electronic wallet 1,30 € 0,80 €
30 minutes - by cash 1,20 € 0,80 €
60 minutes - by cash 1,60 € 1,10 €

Single-trip tickets can be purchased from the bus driver and paid by cash or operator's chip card (electronic wallet).

All-day tickets

Time validity Fare (full & reduced)
24 hours 5 €
72 hours 12 €

These tickets can also be purchased from the bus driver.

Prepaid tickets

Fare / Validity
30 days 90 days 180 days 365 days
Full fare 30 € 75 € 140 € 250 €
Reduced 20 € 45 € 80 € 150 €
Special reduced for pensioners, children up to 6 years 15 € 30 € 55 € 100 €
For citizens with permanent address in Poprad - - - 10 €

Prepaid tickets can be purchased at the operator's sale point at Bus station Poprad.


The default fare available for everyone regardless of their age or health conditions is the full fare. For specific age categories and people with health disabilities, a reduced fare is available. It is neccessary to show a verification card during a ticket inspection.


If a commuter is unable to show a valid ticket, they will be requested to pay a fine for disobeying the fare conditions of Poprad's municipal transport system.

The passenger has to pay the price of a full fare ticket plus 40 € for travelling without a valid ticket.

Note: the 40 € fine will be raised to 50 € if not paid in the vehicle or within 7 days after the fine had been issued. After 30 days the fine will be raised to 70 €.

Ticket sale point

The operator SAD Poprad has a sale point at the Bus station Poprad at J. Wolkera street 466.


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