City transport tickets in Skalica

There are two ways of fare payment. First, you can buy ticket from bus driver by cash. This ticket is valid for 90 minutes. For ticket prices see table below.

Second way of fare payment is by credit chip card. This card can be obtained at operator's ticket offices where is also possibility of credit charging. Fare paid by credit card is lower than ticket from bus driver (see table below).

Pensioners have right for reduced-fare tickets, but only with credit chip card.

City Transport fare for lines 100 and 150

Type of farefrom bus driverby credit chip card
90-minutes basic ticket
0,40 €
0,33 €

90-minutes reduced-fare ticket for pensioners

0,20 €
Baby buggy with child
0,00 €
0,00 €
90-minutes ticket for baggage or dog
0,40 €
0,33 €


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