A Guide to Night Transport

Day route services at night

Last services on the majority of all-day routes depart their termini at about 22:00. On most routes, services begin to operate at about 05:00 during workdays, 06:00 on Saturdays and 07:00 on Sundays and public holidays. Exact departures can be found in the Schedules section.

Last services to individual destinations can be changed to and from between Na Hlavnej stop (northbound services) and Železničná stanica stop (southbound services) stops. Select routes will wait on these stops from 22:15 until 22:20 to allow as many transfer options as possible. After the last services are dispatched, the night transport begins.

Night fares

There are no differences between day and night fares. All tickets valid for all-day routes are also valid for night routes and vice versa.

Night routes at a glance

  • Route N1 → Sídlisko IIICentrumŽelezničná stanica (railway station) – Solivar – Pod Šalgovíkom
  • Route N2 → Sídlisko III – Centrum – Železničná stanica (railway station) – Sibírska Nižná Šebastová


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