City transport tickets in Hlohovec

There are two ways of fare payment. First, you can buy ticket from bus driver by cash. This ticket is valid only for one journey without change. For ticket prices see table below.

Second way of fare payment is by credit chip card. This card can be obtained at operator's ticket offices where is also possibility of credit charging. Fare paid by credit card is lower than ticket from bus driver (see table below).

Students (up to 26 years) have right for reduced-fare ticket. But they need identification card which can be obtained at operator's ticket offices. Seniors (above 62 years) have right for reduced-fare tickets.

City Transport fare

Type of fare from bus driver by credit chip card
50-minutes basic ticket
  • people above 18 years
0,40 €
0,30 €

50-minutes reduced-fare ticket

  • children (6 - 17 years) and students
0,20 €
0,20 €
50-minutes ticket for handicapped persons and people above 62 years
0,10 €
0,10 €
50-minutes ticket for baggage, baby buggy or animal in the box
0,20 €
0,20 €
50-minutes ticket for dog
0,40 €
0,40 €