Fleet number:6819
Type: Škoda 31 Tr SOR
Builder: SOR Libchavy, spol. s r. o. (mechanická časť); Škoda Electric, s. r. o., Plzeň (elektrická výzbroj)
Serial number: 13961
Manufactured: 2014
In service: 29.12.2014
Depot: Hroboňova
Information system: BUSE BS 300, BS 301
BUSE BS 370 (960 × 540 px; V), BS 370 (960 × 540 px; V)
BUSE BS 210 (140 × 19 px), BS 210 (112 × 19 px), BS 210 (112 × 19 px), BS 210 (28 × 19 px), BS 210 (28 × 19 px)
BUSE BS 310 (11 × 9 px white)
Additional information: low-floor vehicle, air-conditioned vehicle
Last records of service:
17 Oct 2024 72/6
16 Oct 2024 72/7
15 Oct 2024 72/6
14 Oct 2024 42/3
13 Oct 2024 72/1
11 Oct 2024 47/4
10 Oct 2024 72/6
9 Oct 2024 42/7
8 Oct 2024 47/6
7 Oct 2024 42/6
All records of service


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