J: Jasne, ze je to blbost - presne ako napisal Andrej.
13sk: Ked uz hovoris o vozoch, tak 4801 vyzera tak, ze ju zachvilu vyradia, vzadu je to fakt otras.
Mam tu jednu prosbu:
From: Nagy Istvan [mailto:istvan@eminescu.rdsor.ro]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 9:54 AM
Subject: Old electric locomotives
My name is Nagy Istvan and I'm from Oradea, Romania.
I searched information about similar locomotives used in Oradea and I
found the mujweb.atlas.cz/www/slichta/muzea.html site. On a link of this
site I have found a picture about the locomotives in Oradea
too (www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/6330/vagon.html). Can you send me
information about the electric lcoomotives from Brno or Ostrava or
anithing about similar old locos?
If you are interested in the e.locs in Oradea I can send a lot of pictures
and manufacturer information.
Vie mu niekto pomoct?
13sk: Ked uz hovoris o vozoch, tak 4801 vyzera tak, ze ju zachvilu vyradia, vzadu je to fakt otras.
Mam tu jednu prosbu:
From: Nagy Istvan [mailto:istvan@eminescu.rdsor.ro]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 9:54 AM
Subject: Old electric locomotives
My name is Nagy Istvan and I'm from Oradea, Romania.
I searched information about similar locomotives used in Oradea and I
found the mujweb.atlas.cz/www/slichta/muzea.html site. On a link of this
site I have found a picture about the locomotives in Oradea
too (www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/6330/vagon.html). Can you send me
information about the electric lcoomotives from Brno or Ostrava or
anithing about similar old locos?
If you are interested in the e.locs in Oradea I can send a lot of pictures
and manufacturer information.
Vie mu niekto pomoct?