To je fakt, lenže Ty si písal, že máme "mainly IK 28x.xx". Určite by som netvrdil, že máme hlavne ik280. Je ich ešte dosť, ale podľa mňa už nezaujímajú vedúcu pozíciu.
V niecom mas pravdu...No myslis ze podcenenie stavu trate nieje zlyhanie ludskeho faktoru?? To si trosku odporuje... Podcenenie a "DOVOLENIE SI VIAC" stalo zivoty...
Don´t believe to 81-71, we have Ikarus 280, but only 31 pieces. We have mainly Ikarus 435, 415, Karosa 741, 732, but also SOR, Tam Bus 232, 272 and Ikarus 412 (last one only 3 pieces). But technical condition isn´t very good.
Oh don't mention it. We also have our "beautiful" old-timers ?
But I like the refurbished (GO??) 283s. And not only the Ikaruses, I also like the latter version of the Karosas (I think it's the B932 but I'm not sure).
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