I am from Lithuania and I think that this Website is perfekt. I do not similar Websites in Lithuania, where you can find a lot of information about city transport. Yes we have some Websites where are information about times, when go buses or troleibuses, tickets etc., but not so much. ?
I am from Lithuania and I think that this Website is perfekt. I do not similar Websites in Lithuania, where you can find a lot of information about city transport. Yes we have some Websites where are information about times, when go buses or troleibuses, tickets etc., but not so much. ?
Poslem emial webmasterovi, ja by som to zverejnil, lebo je to velmi pekne napisane. Ak by to vyslo, tak by ste to nasli v sekcii clanky (vlavo). Ja tam uz tiez mam jeden velmi kriticky clanocek (mozete precitat, ale je to na dlhe citanie).