nie si trochu paranoidny? Z nicoho takeho som ta neobvynoval.
Byvam v Petrzalke a poznam pribehy o tom aka je nebezpecna. Preto by som podobnym pribehom o inych castiach mesta moc neveril. V rebricku poulicnej kriminality stale vedie centrum mesta.
A? Mám sa uraziť? Si to napísal tak ako keby som mal držať hubu a neposudzovať Dolné hony len preto, že žijem v Petržalke. Tak pardon, že som si dovolil spomenúť Dolné hony. ? Ja nemám problém pripustiť, že aj v Petržalke neni vždy a všade bezpečno. Či podľa teba je situácia v P.B. a vo Vrakuni normálka a len v Petržalke to je bordel?
Unfortunately, tickets for city transport are not valid on trains (except special ticket for 30, 90 or 365 days). You must buy ticket for every single ride.
One ticket for trains, city transport and regional busses is prepared for next year.
I am sorry for writing in English
I will be visiting bratislava in a few weeks and intend to spend a lot of time travelling on and photographing your trams busses and trains around Bratislava. Is there a integrated ticket I can use that is valid on the trains to Vinhrady, Nove Mesto, Lamac, Devinska. I have found a lot of information on tickets but what I cannot find is if I can also use the 24h ticket on the trains around Bratislava. Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated.