VehiclesBusesSetra S 416 UL business › #BL-253OZ

Fleet number:BL-253OZ
Type: Setra MultiClass S 416 UL business
Builder: EvoBus GmbH / Mercedes-Benz Türk A.Ş., Istanbul-Hoşdere, Turecko
VIN: WKK63338213800519
Plate: BL-253OZ
Manufactured: 2017
In service: January 2021
Withdrawn: Autumn 2022
Depot: Bystrická cesta
Information system: LAWO Futura (predný LED panel 128 x 16 px, amber) + SICMA-Control (do 2021)

Telmax FCS 2100 (palubný počítač + pokladňa + hlásič zastávok) (od 2021)
BUSE BS 370 (TFT LCD) (od 2021)
BUSE BS 310 (144 x 19 px, amber), BS 310 (128? x 19 px, amber), BS 310 (32 x 19 px, amber) (od 2021)
Additional information: air-conditioned vehicle
Last records of service:
31 Dec 2021 1/2/3/2
All records of service