Reply on: mku81 #1:
nevidim tam nic extra. spinave balkony, povrch cesty tiez nic moc.mozno si to myslis kvoli nepodarenemu dizajnu toho trolejbusu.
Discussion post: | |
Location: | Herisauerstrasse, zastávka Winkeln |
Date: | 21.8.2016 |
Vehicle: | #187 |
Gallery: | Slovakia and the world › Sankt Gallen (Saint Gallen) Slovakia and the world › Hess Swisstrolley 3 / BGT-N1C / BGT-N2C Sankt Gallen (Saint Gallen), CH (3 Jan 2019) |
Route: | 1 |
Author: | Poiree |
Times viewed: | 906 |