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R4 (návoz študentov TUKE)
na 7:30: #622+623 , #513 , #846 , #838
na 9:10: #509 (ZV) , #538
10: #3904 #4766 #4777 #4779 #4782
11: #3511
12: #4760 #4761 #4764 #4775
16: #5107 #5109 #5116
17: #4786
20: #5108 #5115
21: #5106
22: #5107 #5112 #6703
23: #5106
24: #3511 #5107
25: #5117
27: #5114
29: #5112
31: #5111
32: #5108 #5115
33: #5106
34: #5104 #6704
35: #5111
36: #3904 #4766 #4777 #4779 #4782
52: #5110
RA5: #4786
RA6: #4775 #5107
20/31/35 - 5720, 6917
Pre auto v koľajisku pri zastávke Levočská je prerušená premávka električiek medzi sídliskom Nad Jazerom a križovatkou pri VSS.
17 - 5708
55 - 5734
72 - 5741
10: #4758 #4776
11: #3517
16: #5105 #5108 #5112 #5118
18: #6903 #6905 #6908 #6909
20: #5106 #5115 #6903
21: #6704
22: #6703 #6917
23: #4758
24: #3517
25: #5109
27: #3521
29: #5105 #5108 #5112 #5118
31: #5111
32: #5106 #5115
33: #6704
34: #3530
35: #5111
36: #3904 #3316
51: #6802 #6904
52: #3534
54: #3530 #3532
55: #3514 #3516 #3523 #3535
56: #3519 #3528 #3531 #3534
71: #3503
72: #3312 #3315
RA3: #4766
RA4: #3319 #4778
RA5: #3319
RA6: #4782
RA7: #3319
Za dnešnú výpravu na L72 treba dať niekomu zlatú medailu.

Inak s 5718 /72/ sa dnes na Gorkého cca 14:30 stalo čo? Vie niekto?
10: #3312 #3328
11: #3517
14: #5112 #5114
15: #3503
16: #5108 #5109 #5110
18: #6705 #5107 #5115
20: #6703
21: #6705
22: #6913
24: #3517
25: #6906
27: #3530
29: #5108 #5109 #5110
31: #5111
32: #6703
33: #6705
34: #3519 #5105
35: #5111
36: #4770 #4786
51: #6904 #6901 #6906
52: #4759 #3534
54: #3303 #3315 #3326 #3519
55: #3521 #3523 #3528 #3531 #3535
56: #4759 #3514 #3534
71: #3316
72: #4774
RA3: #3308
RA4: #3319 #5118
RA5: #4760 #3530
RA6: #3308 #3530
Pondelok 14.11.2022
1/3: #840
9: #531
17: #4730
18: #6905
19: #3905, #4703, #4715, #4716, #4731, #4732, #4741, #4770, #4775
20/32: #5736
22: #6704
36: #3308, #4786
52: #4782
54: #3326
71: #4783
72: #3319
R1: #806
Utorok 15.11.2022
2/6: #802, #806, #807, #819, #825, #845
9: #512, #517, #538
10: #4702, #4703, #4730, #4748
11: #3511
19: #3312, #5720
20/32: #6905, #6913, #6917
23: #4749, #5117
25: #5705
26: #5746
51: #5713
52: #3326, #4742, #4778, #5750
55: #3514
56: #3534, #3535
72: #4773
R1: #535
R7: #843
L: #5737
Streda 16.11.2022
1/3: #824, #832
2/6: #802, #811, #817, #839
9: #517, #528, #535 - > #843, #537, #805
10: #4725, #4732
12: #4764
17: #4714, #4776
18: #6915
19: #4731, #4777, #4782
20/32: #6704, #6904
23: #5108
27: #4721
34: #5112
36: #4748, #4768, #4769, #4786
54: #3535 - > #4730, #4707, #5706
55: #3521, #3522
71: #4720, #4743
R3: #622 + #623
R4: #804
R7: #531, #830
Štvrtok 17.11.2022
2/6: #806, #810, #817, #820
9: #537, #815
31/35: #5111
10: #4733
27: #4761
36: #4769, #4778, #4786
52: #5709
72: #4708, #4752
Sobota 19.11.2022
1/3: #811
9: #807, #835, #843
19: #4707, #4779
34: #5116
36: #4785
71: #4774
4729 už bez CVR (dnes na 72)

71 - 5741
72 - 5717
Reply on: 2TheMHDmarek3 #62149:
ach jaj..takze oprava v dielnach ci ako?

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