Guidance for advanced search

Discussions support advanced search.

  • If words are separated by a space, it is sufficient if one of the words is found in the text.
    depo krasňany
    The text contains either the word depo or krasňany or both.
  • If the word starts with a +, the word must be found in the text. Do not put a space between the + and the word.
    depo +krasňany
    The text contains the word krasňany and may or may not contain the word depo.
  • If the word begins with -, the word must not be in the text. Do not put a space between the - and the word.
    -depo krasňany
    The text must not contain the word depo and contains the word krasňany.
  • If the word ends with *, look for words that begin with that term. Do not put a space between the * and the word.
    depo krasň*
    The text contains either the word depo or words beginning with krasň, or both. Examples of words beginning with krasň are krasňany, krasňan, beautiful, etc.
  • If the expression is in double quotes ", the text must contain the entire specified expression.
    "depo krasňany"
    The text contains the expression depo krasňany. The words depo and krasňany must be consecutive in the text.